Need some inspirations? You are in the right place!
Let's get down to business! On this page you will find practical information about the exercises as well as examples thematic clustered. On the MOVE&Learn manual you can find all the exercises from page 28.
Which theme would you like to work with?
- Conflict resolution
- Cultural diversity
- Employment, entrepreneurship
- Environment
- Health
- Human rights
- Participation, citizenship,
democracy - Social inclusion, discrimination

Education Through Sport and the thematic areas (MOVE&Learn manual p.28)
The exercises will eventually evolve during your work and we want to encourage that. As already mentioned, ETS is based on collective learning and personal development that cannot be written down as a recipe. It has to evolve with every situation and every group you work with.
By delivering ETS exercises you will also realise that only experience will enable you to develop all the necessary competences for debriefing and evaluation. The questions will become more precise with time and you will also be able to lead discussions that are evolving into a direction you had not foreseen. By developing your own style and adapting it to your needs and the need of your target groups ETS will offer high potential to develop your skills as well, whether you are a coach in sports or a youth worker/trainer in non-formal education settings.
Remember! You can read more on page 28 of the MOVE&Learn manual!
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