What is it? Where did it come from?
This online tool aims to provide information how the learning process can be complemented with sport and physical activities. It explains the approach of Education Through Sport (ETS) in the context of both youth work and grassrootssport on the basis of non-formal education, experiential learning and active participation. ETS creates a new dimension of developing social skills because it combines the learning experience with a conscious personal reflection process. Therefore this online toll is meant to be a guideline including a collection of field-tested exercises for participants and trainers and shows the benefits you can get by matching the expertise of both sides and developing a specific understanding and successful way of delivering ETS. In the process, you will also realise that only experience will enable you to develop all the necessary competences for planning, implementing, debriefing and evaluation. The questions will become more precise with time and you will also be able to lead discussions that are evolving into a direction you had not foreseen. Enjoy the ride! Enjoy the MOVE&LEARN!
The MOVE&Learn was an outcome of the Training of Trainers in Education Through Sport project organised by the International Sport and Culture Association - ISCA.
Chief editor: Laszlo Foldi
Authors: Denitsa Andonova, Maria Acs, Douglas Holmes
Contributors: Petra Novak, Karine Teow, Ana Jovanovic, Anne Tøttrup Andersen,Heather Turney, Jaka Kovac, Tomas Nosek, Hugo Matos, Annick Batimba, Dayo Okewale, Cristiana Alexandra Nastase, Ioana Sandulescu
Coordinator of the Training of Trainers in Education Through Sport project: Sorin Buruiana
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.